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Training & Resources | Video Facilities & Services | Video Equipment Rentals

EP's producers and editors are available for individual instruction, consulting and production planning. Some choose to begin their projects with the help of an instructor, and then take over once they are confident to work on their own.

Training Workshops & Seminars
Group training workshops covering basic and advanced video production are held on a regular basis, as well as special seminars and events. If workshops fill up, subsequent sessions may be scheduled to accommodate additional participants. View the latest schedule. A limited number of enrollment subsidies and scholarships are available.

Facilities and services
EP provides low-cost access to video equipment and post production facilities.

Free Practice & Self-Instruction
The video post production facility is available for the purpose of practice and self-instruction during unused open hours at no cost, subject to certain restrictions. Users interested in learning the equipment and improving their skills are encouraged to take advantage of this free access.

Resource Materials
EP maintains a small library of printed materials including media-related books & periodicals, operating manuals for equipment and software, and a variety of directories & reference materials.

EP may be able to help you find the special services and skills you need for your project, as well as volunteers willing to help. If you are are an individual available to work on either a paid or volunteer basis, sign yourself up in EP's referral database.


Copyright © 2000-2001 by The Empowerment Project. All rights reserved. Media Facility: PO Box 2155, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Phone:919.928.0382,